Alex Sloane On Creating Her EP “Dear Diary”

Interview by Hannah Kozak

Alex Sloane released her EP, Dear Diary, on January 27th. Sloane is an independent artist, mixing, producing, and engineering the EP herself, and has received ongoing support from Spotify’s Fresh Finds. Dear Diary is an escape to a blush pink diary, with words of lust, self-doubt, and obsession next to hearts outlined in glitter gel pen.

Q: For anyone who might not know you already, how would you describe your music? What song of yours would you recommend people listen to first?

A: I would describe my music as “sparkly”. A little hyperpop, a little jazzy, somewhere between The Marias and Machine Girl, but with a heavy dose of femininity. I’d recommend “Kinda Hate U Kinda Love U”— it’s my favorite.

Q: You produced, mixed, and engineered your entire EP Dear Diary. What was that process like? What do you think was the easiest and most challenging part of creating this EP?

A: I made the EP in early 2021, peak pandemic. I live alone and work alone, so I’d sometimes go weeks without seeing another human being. It was born out of that prolonged isolation. The whole process was super DIY— I lugged my computer into my closet every night to record and watched YouTube tutorials when I needed to learn something new. The easiest part of this EP and music in general is having a seed for a song. I have so many ideas, just never enough time or resources to pursue them. On the flip side, the most challenging part is finishing the song. I have severe OCD, so I’ll often re-record my vocals 5 times before I’m content with them. If I feel something isn’t perfect, it’s difficult for me to let go.

Q: Similarly, what was it like writing Dear Diary lyrically?

A: I tend to write in fragments. I talk to myself a lot when I’m alone, so if I have a concept pop into my head, I’ll record a quick voice memo or write it down in my notes app. The lyrics “dreaming of all the ways I could change you” and “mutual assured destruction” were little ideas that sat in folders for years. Once I produce a beat I like, I’ll comb through these folders and see if there’s any hidden gems.

Q: You have such a cute, cohesive branding/image! How did you decide what you wanted your branding to be and what do you use for inspiration?

A: I don’t know if it was a conscious branding choice— I think I’ve always been drawn to feminine sensibilities as a mode of self-expression. Fashion at its core is a way to communicate your worldview to others. I’m a woman producing songs about being a woman, and the visual art is just another complement to these stories

Q: If you could play with any artist, who would it be and why?

A: Grimes. I would love to just watch her produce. She’s been producing and directing and editing herself on a massive scale for years, so I admire her singularity. It’s special and rare.

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