Love You Later Dives into Her Stage Name and Favorite Spots in Nashville

Photos by Sophia Matinazad / Interview by Hannah Kozak

Lexi Aviles is Love You Later. Based in Nashville, the 23-year-old singer-songwriter writes infectious, upbeat alt-pop songs about relationships. Her most recent single, “Keepintouch,” is an addictive song begging to be blasted through car speakers with the window down. In this interview, Love You Later talks about how she came up with her stage name, her musical inspirations, and her favorite spots in Nashville.

 Q: How and when did Love You Later form?

A: Love You Later formed in 2017 during my senior year of high school, although I had been writing songs for the project for about a year prior.


Q: How did you come up with the name Love You Later?

A: Before actually calling the project “Love You Later,” all of the songs I had been writing were about relationships, both romantic and not, and how they were always pretty complicated in my world. I don’t believe that there is “the one” but instead I think there are many, and you’ll end up with who you’re meant to end up with. So when it came to naming the project, I wanted the title to surround the theme of love and how it can be complicated sometimes. Love You Later just seemed to roll off the tongue and I really like to leave it up to interpretation.


Q: What inspires your lyrics and sound? Are there any other bands/artists that you look up to?

A: My lyrics are always inspired by real events and stories I’ve experienced and my sound usually accompanies that as well and feels true to me. I look up to many artists and bands such as The Japanese House, MUNA, Frou Frou, Dolly Parton, Shania Twain, and Fleetwood Mac just to name a few.


Q: “Keepintouch” is so infectious and catchy! What did the writing and recording process look like for this song?

A: Thank you! Writing with my co-writers Kyle and Bre made the songwriting process such a fulfilling experience because they're some of the kind, genuine, and talented people. The session started out with me explaining what I had been feeling and what I wanted to write about. Kyle was mainly working on the track and Bre and I dove into writing the lyrics. Kyle and Bre created a safe space for me to share my emotions and I think that’s why we were able to write the song so effortlessly since it’s based on real and true events.


Q: Where is your favorite place to play in Nashville and why? 

A: Honestly, my favorite place in Nashville is my friend Mckenzie’s house because it’s where I feel the most welcome. Granted, I used to live there, but even now, I can walk in at any time and hang out with some of my favorite people. It’s a really warm environment and I always know I’m going to have a good time when I’m there. My favorite show I’ve played so far was here in Nashville at EXIT/IN.


Q: What’s the biggest moment you’ve had as Love You Later so far?

A: Selling out EXIT/IN in Nashville last June. It was just such an incredible jaw-dropping experience to see all of the people I love in this city come together and sing my songs with me. I wish I could replay that night over and over.


Q: What do you hope the future looks like for Love You Later?

A: I hope to continue releasing music that gets better and better and play more shows to reach more and more people who need to hear and can connect with it, because to me, that’s what it’s all about.


Q: Can you talk about what identity means to you?

A: To me, identity signifies where you feel most like yourself. I identify in places, people, things, emotions, and experiences that make me feel safe, heard, and known.


Q: Anything else you’d like to add?

A: Thank you so much for having me, Riot Rage! Let’s do it again soon.

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